Sunday, September 16, 2007


The true antidote to greed is contentment.
If you have a strong sense of contentment, it doesn't matter whether you obtain the object of your desire or not.
Either way, you are still content.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Path to heaven

What happens to us after this life depends on how we conduct ourselves in this present life.

The path to heaven is not by faith or worship, but by doing good and avoiding evil.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Dana, Sila, Bhavana

These are the 3 main ways to practise Buddhism. Dana, Sila & Bhavana
1)Dana: Practice generosity by helping others
2)Sila: Cultivate morality by observing the Five PRECEPTS
3)Bhavana: Acquire wisdom through meditation

Today im going to elaborate more on Sila. What is the five precepts that Buddha preach to the world?
1)To abstain from harming or killing any living beings.
2)To abstain from taking what is not given.
3)To abstain from sexual misconduct.
4)To abstain from lying and false speech.
5)To abstain from abusive consumption of intoxicants and drugs.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Cleansing of the Heart

Life consists of two closely interconnected components, the body and the mind, which constantly demand our care and attention. Of these two , mind is said to be of paramount importance for it is the very source of all actions that we do from birth to death.

We are what we think. Therefore, its is crucial that we have the right understanding of our minds and know how to to train them properly.

Apparently, mind is not such a concrete and discernible object like the body, and most people give only marginal concern to their minds, taking more interest in their physical forms and appearances.

The body is well-nourished, kept clean and beautified, while the state of mind is almost totally neglected. The Dharma(Teachings of the Buddha) is nourishment for the mind. It cleanses the mind and makes the mind pleasant and beautiful.

Just as an undernourished body is weak and becomes a seat of disease, a mind starved of Dharma is also weak and becomes a source of problems. Crime, corruption, violence and immoral behavior are some of the symptoms of a mind which is uncared for, uncleansed and unbeautified by the Dharma.

It is therefore important to train our mind and the Best way to do it is through meditation though there are few more ways to do so.